Australian soprano Roberta Diamond first sang with American soprano Sarah Fuhs at the “Fondazione Italiana per la Musica Antica” festival in Urbino, Italy, in 2014 for a second premiere performance of Francesco Foggia’s Victoria Passionis Christi under the baton of Alessandro Quanta. They both realized their common passion for singing soloistic ensemble music, whether sacred or secular, and decided to pursue that passion further in Berlin with a group they founded shortly thereafter: the Titans Rising Early Music Ensemble. Since 2014 they have designed and performed half a dozen programs of sacred and secular music together, including Carissimi’s oratorios “Jephte,” “Judicium Salomonis” and “Pellegrini d’Emmaus,” Francois Couperin’s “Trois leçons de ténèbres,” “Il pastor fido madrigals” and “Il caldo estivo,” summer music celebrating nature and secular life.
This Titans Rising Early Music Ensemble has since grown beyond the 2 soprano founding members – it has networked many great international early music musicians based in Berlin who specialize in the music of the 17th and 18th centuries and earlier. These singers and instrumentalists are dedicated to developing innovative programs focusing on lesser known chamber music. With a wealth of knowledge and playing experience amongst its members, this ensemble boasts some of the best early music in and around Berlin today.

Roberta Diamond, Sarah Fuhs